Title III - English Learner Requirements
We do not receive Title III funds. We do use both federal and local funding to support ESL teachers in their professional development and to support their instruction through the purchase of supplemental materials and supplies to help students reach English proficiency.
All students at the elementary and middle school levels are served via push-in or pull-out. At the lower elementary level, students received small group pull-out instruction. This method is chosen because students in grades K-5 benefit more from small-group instruction focused on building specific skills. This also provides a safe setting to take risks and grow in linguistic levels. In middle school, if students have reached at least a 3.2 comprehensive score on the WIDA ACCESS, and the schedule allows, push-in is utilized. Push-in is preferred in middle school so students are served in the content area classroom. Due to the demanding content of middle school, even with language modifications, the content is often overwhelming for ELs. Pushing-in to the classroom allows students to receive the content from the teacher who is the master in that area while also receiving support from the ESL teacher. Pushing-in to the classroom also allows students to practice content-oriented communication with peers through classroom group activities.
When a family voluntarily waives services, the ESL teacher makes sure to check if the family understands the benefits/programs they are opting out of for their student. The ESL teacher still maintains contact with the student(s) and families and checks on progress of the student. Regular education teachers contact and consult with the ESL teacher as needed, to help each student be successful in the classroom. If progress is not being made, the ESL teacher and regular teacher will again communicate with the family about enrolling into the EL program.
The LEA provides translation and interpretation for students and families, when needed, to prevent any language barriers to learning and participation in classroom and extra-curricular activities. English LEP Parent Fact Sheet (ed.gov)